Tuesday, June 30, 2009

monday, 29 June 2009

Just to keep y'all posted: Wednesday, 01 July, I actually WILL be vacating my lovely room here in Vegas to continue on with this trek of mine. In this concerted effort of mine to pay attention to what life & love wish to show me, I am listening. Thus far, I have neither regretted my decision to do this trip, nor have I looked back. I am doing my best to not force anything.

After having spoken with another new friend who actually lived in the San Diego area, I'll continue heading west to the Pacific Ocean and the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway). From there I'll head to the Great Redwood Forest & mebbe a little into Oregon before turning around toward my cousins in Wyoming and Montana.

Observation(s): 1. This is the best I've felt in ages.
2. Odd how we have notions of how we want our lives to turn out and just what kind of people we feel we really are. But little by little we can relinquish these ideas to others opinions of how we should be/act. ALLOWING someone to dictate how we feel, think, function & speak... is as awful as the person wishing to manipulate us!!! It is perfectly dreadful to wake up and realize you don't know who you are anymore... especially when someone has made you feel ashamed of just who you WERE. That by your being "you', this was somehow not good enough. That you are inadequate, that you miss the mark... a sure way to loose your identity, is to believe this.

Please know that I feel that each of you is a unique and wonderful person... and it's been fun getting to know you, whether we've grown up together or just met this week. : )

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