Saturday, June 20, 2009

21 June 2009 Vegas

Huloooo... from Las Vegas, Nevada.

As to the San Antonio, Texas experience: Glad it's over. :| The best part of it was having spent time getting to know some people on SL... a certain young kitten with whom I will be co-ruling the universe; a crazy Cali photographer; a very nice Idahoan or Jilly alt... time will tell!; & especially one flirty, fluffy fatmouthed Caledonian.

Carlsbad Caverns has two main attractions: the bats & the caverns. The evening I arrived, I watched as thousands of bats flew out into the evening air to feed for the night, only to return in the morning to perpetuate the ritual. Twas pretty amazing to watch. The next morning I rode the elevator down 750 feet & walked through the caverns on a self-guided tour. Among the deep dark beauty of the treasures of middle earth, I trudged along with others including a grandfather walking with his grands: a girl of about 10 and her brother of about 9. As you may know, caves are chock full of stalagmites and stalactites, formed by the constant dripping off the walls. Therefore there's a myriad of columns throughout. Half way through the tour, we wound up rather bottle-necked at a lighted bend in the trail. As we approached, we could overhear the group in front of us talking about the lighted formation, all I know was I heard the word "booby". All of a sudden I hear this squeal of delight. Next I see the little boy elbowing his sister saying, "Hey, did you see the booby?!?!?", "hyuk, hyuk", "That was a booby rock!!!", and so on ad nauseum, much to his grand dad's chagrin. [two thoughts: 1. that fixation starts earlier than I'd imagined. & 2. it was amusing to note that we'd passed by a host of phallic columns with no comment, but put one boob in the mix... hahaha!!!]

I skipped the Petrified Forest for lack of rain gear and ark, but I did manage to get out to the Meteor Crater Museum, in Flagstaff, Arizona. Then I crossed over the Hoover Dam: IMPRESSIVE! I am hoping to get pictures loaded up this week.

My college friend, Kathy, met me at this swanky hotel & casino, Aliante Station. Just by the name, I knew it'd be good luck. On trying to check in I was informed I was at the wrong hotel. UGH! The reservation guy had gotten it wrong. However, the other sister hotel did NOT accept pets. I simply asked how they were going to make this right by me, and wound up with several amenities: bumped up into a suite (with omg 3 phones!!!); a discounted rate; and a lesser fee in case the dawgz eat the sofa or flat screen tv.

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!! hugs to dad's all round!

Had a girls' afternoon out with my friend Kathy and her daughter. The name of the store was "Hottest Dam Boutique" in Boulder City. Fun! We ended the evening with dinner at TGIF, pecan crusted chicken salad (yummy!)... too much sangria (is there REALLY such a thing?!?!)... & after they left, I tried a tumbler of Glenlivet 12 year old Scotch... I now see why this could be a favorite! Tough on the 1st swig, then smooth as silk with a nice after taste.

Am off to discover las Vegas... lol!!! Hey, girls... they REALLY do have a Chippendales Show!!!!!! woot woot!!! hahahaa... skips off in search... roflmbo!!!!

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