Friday, June 11, 2010

Chicago.. Wisconsin...

Stops along the way... Rapid City, souvenir hunt & Sioux Falls, South Dakota... sent stuff... was a blast putting it all together. : ) Wisconsin was a neat stop because it was the 1st place along the way that had the same wildflowers as what I was used to in upstate NY. Queen Anne's Lace... Milkweed... and mosquitos! haha! Two verrrry tuckered out little doggies! Who, btw, earned their keep when we were forced to stop at a less than nice hotel for the night... not a great room... sometime around 3am someone tried to get into the room... but the girls did their job & barked like mad. (yay girls!!!) I naturally remained awake the rest of the night. The one and only time anything like this happened in 2 and a half months of being on the road.

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