Friday, June 11, 2010

Centennial & ride to it

Smalltown Centennial... images of cowboys and indians & hardy folk... bullwhips, horses, tall stories & great grub... yup, that's what ya find at these kinds of celebrations. I especially enjoyed listening to Calamity Jane's great niece (the lady above with the horse) tell the story of her aunt & her aunt's beau, Wild Bill Hickok livin in Deadwood. Wow, those whips are L O U D!!!!

Had the most interesting lesson from a lady who is really into the American Plains Indians.. that's her bona fide tee pee... she runs a demonstration on how the Plains women carried out their domestic duties... from food prep to clothing. Spent nearly the entire afternoon just listening and asking questions.

On the ride over we spotted a herd of buffalo... they were just hangin out... then like a spring goin off, they started prancing and running into each other... funny! We stopped for gas.. funky, old timey still functioning gas pumps!!!

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