Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pelicans, The Great Salt Lake & Wedding

I was looking for a store on my way out of Reno and stopped in to a Department of Wildlife & Conservation office. Never knew the USA had the largest inland Pelican wintering/breeding site in Utah!!! (When I find the brochure I'll tell ya the name of the Indian Reservation/Preserve.)
As I was taking pictures of the Great Salt Lake, I ventured across the parking lot to take a couple of some horses that were there. By the time I got to them however, the people had loaded them up into the trailer. They were the nicest people! After I explained what I had come to do, they invited me over to see them over by the marina... their daughter had just gotten married and she had wanted to get pictures of herself in her wedding dress with her horses at sunset. You can see the bride's cowboy boots under her gown. : )

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