Sunday, May 31, 2009

01 JUNE 2009

The first day of each month has always brought a smile to my face. Perhaps it is that a period of time has ended thus giving the seeming chance at a fresh beginning with a new month. A second chance at getting things right. A sense of renewal and wonder wrapped into one silly smile.

This date is important to me: 01 JUNE 2009. It's the first of the month as well as the first day of the work week and work is what I need to do. I need to reconnect, recharge, review. None of us can rewind, but we can take stock and pay attention to the lessons Life wants to teach us. Life is messy. It is not always easy. We make decisions and do our best to live up to our interpretation of how things should be. But sometimes...a review is in order. This is especially true if we have allowed things or people to take away our joy of living (joie de vivre) & our sense of peace.

Observing, listening...or simply "being" in my comfort zone. Attempting to voice my inner thoughts or not. So, I don't know how I'll do with either this journey or this blog, but I do know I'm glad for your company.